Where happy pigs are tasty pigs!
Additional Links and Resources...
The Idaho Pasture Pig Registry is dedicated to the Education and Preservation of the Idaho Pasture Pig. www.idahopasturepigregistry.com
"Raising Pigs on Pasture-Learn how to raise pigs on pasture for a healthier litter and more nutritious meat"  by Jodi Cronauer.  Article featured in February 2016 issue of Grit Magazine.
Article featured in FARM SHOW Magazine discussing the history of the IPP.
Article featured in Mother Earth News Magazine.
Article featured in the New York Times News. By STEPHANIE STROMJAN. January 20, 2014
University of Missouri Extension.  By Howell N. Wheaton - Department of Agronomy and John C. Rea - Department of Animal Sciences
Bulletin from Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (www.SARE.org).
ATTRA - A National Sustainable Agriculture Assistance Program - is developed and managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). Visit the NCAT website for more information on our other sustainable agriculture and energy projects.